Due to time and manpower limit during Vietnam traditional holidays, some questions are answered here – instead Discord, after AMA ends (red text).

Hello everyone 👋
Wanaka | Pooky135790
Hello guys. Our team on long weekend but we manage the time
Marketing | Leo Ngo
Hello family! Nice to see you again (:
Wanaka | Tincho | Spanish CM TG
Just a few tips based on everything that’s unfolding at the moment. Thank you for updating the game, the updates have been greatly appreciated.
I think the rental system is great but we would all agree that the DEVS NEED to intervene some in the following ways:
Set a limit as to how low you can rent certain slots for –
12 slots of land – Min 10 WANA
24 Slots of land – Min 20 WANA
Set a level in which lands unlock the rental feature – Level 12 at least. Set a minimum slot to rent – 12 slots for example which equates to 1 WANA per slot.
Due to the update, now wanatrade is irrelevant since everyone is making their own things to complete the quests.
You can sort of fix this by:
You can add different quests to include the new items.
Re-work the seasons so they are more impactful in the game and force people to buy sell on wanatrade. Add quests where you have to purchase things on wanatrade?
The PePower formula needs to be revised. As it stands, you need energy to make it or your pets won’t function at all. Since default landers don’t have excess energy anymore, the landowners can’t make it themselves since 100 PePower uses 100 Energy. MEaning you would only make 4 PePower 100 which isn’t enough even for 1 pet.
If you go to wanatrade, someone bought all the PePower there was. Could you guys even decrease the amount of energy it uses? Or change it to use items instead? Could be feeding the pets mutated items.
Like mutant – Apples, cows, fish, cabbage and those would re-generate a certain amount of energy for the pets.
Events to burn wai – The lottery seems to have been forgotten.
Can you add something that would be worth burning wai for?
Unique pets with some kind of benefit that attached to them.
Maybe raffle 1 land owner month where you have to give up 20k – 30k wai. 1 land every month for 6 months or a year. If your account owns all seasons you get a perk.
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen: noted thanks
Good afternoon …. thanks for such a great game! May I ask what are the next points to develop in your routemap?
T.P.A | Ozaru
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen: we’re focusing make game better : – Change quest system – Add more items – More connections – More fun
→ Rubys: Well, if you consider only to make the game better, and not take a look at the economy and try to fix it. There will be no players to enjoy the game. Because wanatrade is going very down. In 2 weeks you can buy seeds with 15 wai…
→ T.P.A | Ozaru : will incorporate the monthly missions with the new quest system?
Hello DEV. take into consideration: -Prioritize advertising in the game. -Create new more complex quests with all items, where land level is relevant. -Missions through the use of pets, because currently having a pet is more expensive to produce and it is not being given the value it deserves. -Eliminate missions that do not require any expense, such as waste, energy.
→ Thank you for your contributions, the team will note and consider for the next adjustments.
Hey. I have an idea on how to motivate people to play the game. Not just for the money but also for the game itself. A cool feature I think that could help incentives players would be to add more stats and level features. Not just for the land but also in terms of skills. So farming fish would increase “fishing” skill. These skills could then be an incentive to for example leaderboards. Who has the highest fishing experience. You could also add special benefits to this by decreasing the fishing time depending on the level. So fishing level 1 might have a duration of 18h whereas fishing level 10 might have a duration of 16h. This could then lead to potentiall quests – “Level up your fishing experience to level 25 to receive 25K wai”. You could also add items to the factory, allowing users to “craft” items to boost their exp. Something like this I think could definitely be feasible since Wanaka keeps track of transactions when they take place “water a cabbage” – they could just accumulate those transactions and provide a UI for stats. As of now there are no real progress besides levelling up lands. By enforcing different level and stats system you are making players feel like they are making progress everyday by just playing the game.
→ The idea is very impressive, the team would like to note it and will make adjustments if it suits the features in the game, currently the team is focusing and giving priority to the multiplayer first.
Good morning team, best regards. Multi-accounting is still a serious problem for the game, the current price of rents and effortlessly earned WAI from quests is what fuels multi-account usage. I propose: -Remove WAI gain from missions that don’t require effort like the organic waste mission. -Increase the difficulty of the weekly missions since most are completed in a single day. -Mix daily quests with level 1 and level 15 crops. -Restrict the IP and prevent an account from being self-rented. Thanks <3
→ We know this and there are always mixed opinions so we will make the most appropriate adjustments.
1. Weekly missions have to be half of the new items. And the other half have some extra of these for example 70 fertilizers + 10 flour. This activates wanatrade and encourages reinvestment. 2. If you don’t have land nft or rent less than 40 spaces, the energy recovers at half the speed. (It prevents energy from being harnessed to earn wai without work) 3. To access the rentals (put the land nft or rent them the default ones) you have to burn 1 mutated. (A little more value is given to mutates.) 4. The sale of food in the shop has to be 500 not 50. 5. Change daily missions to others with new and old mixed items, for example apple instead of 2 apples, 1 apple and 1 mango. 6. That they put on a more complicated monthly mission that can only be accessed if you have a pet.
→ The idea is very impressive. The rental function is released at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
Hi team!! Thank you for you hard work!! And for the new Update 1.1! 1) I’m a little bit worried about the rent system and the price (because the low demand) are you have any plan to increase the number of players and increase the demand of lands for renting? 2) I think the renting system could be a problem (with the price now) for the multicount, what do you think about that? Thank you for you time!
CLUB | DarthAlak
→ We know but the rental function is offered at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
With the change in income there is no demand for processed products and the products created by the defaud are very high and there is a shortage. Have you planned any system to return to balance?
→ Yes, we will make adjustments to bring the most effect next time.
What do you think of what is happening with rents? How do you see it?
→ We don’t think so, the rental function is offered at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
Hello, leaving aside the gameplay of the game that is better every day. My question is: -Does the Wanaka team have a system or method to protect or improve the value of the WAI and WANA tokens? – As an investor, what benefits does Wanaka offer me to buy or hold its tokens? Especially the WAI that every day that passes there is much more token in circulation, as a consequence a lower value and dragging with it the value of its NFT and its WANA governance token Thank you!
→ We are always preparing plans for this but also need to consider and depend on the market to take the right steps.
My question is, are you happy with the performance of the update? What do you think is the result if it’s not what they expected to have in mind to make a change?
→ We don’t think so, the rental function is offered at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
Hi team, best regards – Weekly quests need to be rethought and should involve new items, this motivates reinvestment in upgrading land levels. In addition to this, the rental of land must have a floor per slot, to avoid the devaluation of the Lands NFT. – It is illogical to have new items for a while and not have a single quest involving them, because of this, too many land nft owners have not reinvested in leveling up the lands, same people who are giving away the rental of the slots.
→ Thanks for your idea, the rental function is offered at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
20 minutes and the Devs don’t answer. Like always, a waste of time this kind of ama.
→ CTO | Thuan Nguyen: You ask, we need to think to answer, don’t lose your temper guy
→ Marketing | Leo Ngo: Our dev team in long weekend as mentioned earlier. We managed the time to be here, hang on
→ idarrib: I don’t loose my temper. But my suggestion is that you answer all the questions tomorrow or other day. There are a lot of people giving you suggestions. In 30 minutes you’ll close the chat. Please take your time during the week and answer all the people. Not only the easy questions Thanks
Hi devs! We have seriously problem with multi acoount again so, you need fix this right now. – The rent must be minimum 1.5 wanas per slot (daily) or higher. – We need upgrade the buy at the wanashop (water and feeding) until 500 units.
Levy A
→ Thanks for your idea, the rental function is offered at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
hello team good morning the last update was very nice in terms of gameplay, but economically for owners of land NFT was the worst, I understand that this problem is not in your hands, but you should know the community that consumes them, the free economy is very nice, but in wanaka it is suicide, did you foresee this happening? that the wanatrade and the income of land would collapse? They should sit down and seriously plan a flat in both mutated prices, land rent and wanatrade products, right now it doesn’t matter if you have a common land or an immortal one and I don’t think that’s healthy for the game. you should know what kind of people are the ones who move your market, if you want a wanaka for a while you should rethink your economic model, both input and reinvestment and token burn today many land owners are disappointed, not you, just the community.
Lgsus Reborn
→ Thanks to your idea, we are doing everything to bring the best to the game system, the economy will be better when full features are released next time.
1. Weekly missions have to be half of the new items. And the other half have some extra of these for example 70 fertilizers + 10 flour. This activates wanatrade and encourages reinvestment. 2. If you don’t have land nft or rent less than 40 spaces, the energy recovers at half the speed. (It prevents energy from being harnessed to earn wai without work) 3. To access the rentals (put the land nft or rent them the default ones) you have to burn 1 mutated. (A little more value is given to mutates.) 4. The sale of food in the shop has to be 500 not 50. 5. Change daily missions to others with new and old mixed items, for example apple instead of 2 apples, 1 apple and 1 mango. 6. That they put on a more complicated monthly mission that can only be accessed if you have a pet.
→ The idea is very impressive. The rental function is released at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
Hello team, i have two suggestions about the rental system menu 1) Can you fix the issue when we select a offer to see details, and then going back resets the filters we chose earlier? Its a bit frustrating to apply filters on every land I see. 2) Is there a way to give land owners who put slots to rent to see how many wai has the renter generated after the contract is over? That would give the land owner a look into the cost/benefit ratio and maybe adjust the price in wana accordingly.
→ Thanks to your suggestion, noted it and will make adjustments if it suits the features in the game
We need buy seed pack at wanatrade until 100 urgent!!!!!!!
Levy A
→ Dev | Binh Nguyen: We will consider including it in the future
@CPO | Sang Nguyen @CTO | Thuan Nguyen @CEO | Truong Tran It is no secret to anyone that the rental of the land was a total failure. They continue to make mistakes economically, there is no entry of new players, just as they say they are working on the development of the game, they must look for good Economic advisors, The rents should have been from Level 15 to force the NFT Owners to level up and invest in the game. The Wanaka team must buy and burn Wai to inject liquidity and thus make the game attractive to new investors, if not unfortunately this will be forgotten
the shadown
→ Marketing | Leo Ngo : Improving wai liquidity is one thing, improving user experience is also important. Making Nft more valuable and tradable , it’s one source of income for players, that’s our purpose.
→ the shadown: With those great economic strategies that they are putting in place, do they seriously plan to lift this? You are clear that the rental was a resounding failure.
→ Andre485 know that you want to focus on finishing the game but keep in mind that if the economy continues like this you will be left without players, a game finished with no one to play it!
→ hieulvhp : i agree, community will forget. Keep in mind that community is the most important factor. totally agree. Does the team have any plans for the economy?
any new sneak peak this week?
→ Marketing | Leo Ngo: Soon, our lead designer will share soon
Hello DEVs. take into consideration: -Prioritize advertising in the game. -Create new more complex quests with all items, where land level is relevant. -Missions through the use of pets, because currently having a pet is more expensive to produce and it is not being given the value it deserves. -Eliminate missions that do not require any expense, such as waste, energy
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen: -Prioritize advertising in the game. => It has been reviewed by us, I hope to roll it out soon -Create new more complex quests with all items, where land level is relevant. -Missions through the use of pets, because currently having a pet is more expensive to produce and it is not being given the value it deserves. -Eliminate missions that do not require any expense, such as waste, energy. => As we said before, the quest system will be re-made
Will we have missions with the new items of level 15 tonight?
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen: no, but next update
→ Sơn Nguyễn: when’s the next sir?
Hi Team, amazing the new version. I love rental sistem, everything works perfect. My question. How long we will have a “free” transportation by 10 wai. How you think develop it for being rented. Thanks!
→ Thanks but we have not planned for this.
I think it is necessary to set a minimum price per slot for rental and charge wai and wana together, so the game ensures a minimum of burning tokens
→ We don’t think so, the price should be decided by the market and users.
My other question is what is next to develop on your plans?– Are you able to share what we can expect next?
→ It is improve and adjust the rental land function, multiplayer system
Are you thinking about taking off the free wai missions? Right now, “FARM WORK” and “RECICLE YOUR TRASH” missions give free wai. Do you consider to replace wai and give energy as reward?
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen: yes, the new quests will be quests that need to consume items instead of just counting actions like the current one
→ idarrib: When will next update take place? Thanks
the economy of the game is sinking both within wanatrade and eai and wana, when are they going to operate in the economy?
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen: I think the economy will depend a lot on the attractiveness of the game, which we are looking to improve, also we have a plan to adjust the economy, everything will be clear soon when we have all the tools to make adjustments
→ alvars what plan?
→ ElSoldier This message should calm a lot of people down. They are working on it.
Hello, leaving aside the gameplay of the game that is better every day. My question is: – -Does the Wanaka team have a system or method to protect or improve the value of the WAI and WANA tokens? – – As an investor, what benefits does Wanaka offer me to buy or hold its tokens? Especially the WAI that every day that passes there is much more token in circulation, as a consequence a lower value and dragging with it the value of its NFT and its WANA governance token – Thank you!
→ We are always preparing plans for this but also need to consider and depend on the market to take the right steps.
AMA should not be only about asking you. You also should give us your own opinion about what’s happening to the economy. Everything is going down, your updates are not helping so how are you planning to stop those playing who are ruining the economy by putting shitty prices on lands and wannatrade ? give us also your opinion because it’s not only about us, you are the ones who take decisions
→ Thanks to your suggestion.
because they only limit themselves to saying – “noted thank you – please be serious in your work
Lgsus Reborn
→ Sorry for this and we know and appreciate your suggestions but that are sometimes repeat and repeat. We are working and adjusting everything to improve the system day by day as planned.
If they do not increase the limit in the wanashop of water and food, the pets are not profitable, they are useless, since the wanatrade the quantities and the price are exaggeratedly insulting. and for a pet, you need more than the 50 limit in the shop, just like with the pet’s energy.
→ We will review this thank you.
Wanaka is going to the ground. 🛬🛬🛬 What are the plans of the team to revive the game in the market? – What are the new updates to watch for? – Until now wanaka is not yet available in other CEX. Any updates on listing it?
→ We are still working for this but it depends on the market
@CTO | Thuan Nguyen Hi team!! Thank you for you hard work!! And for the new Update 1.1! – 1) I’m a little bit worried about the rent system and the price (because the low demand) are you have any plan to increase the number of players and increase the demand of lands for renting? – 2) I think the renting system could be a problem (with the price now) for the multicount, what do you think about that? – Thank you for you time!
CLUB | DarthAlak
→ The rental function is released at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
1. Weekly missions have to be half of the new items. And the other half have some extra of these for example 70 fertilizers + 10 flour. This activates wanatrade and encourages reinvestment. – 2. If you don’t have land nft or rent less than 40 spaces, the energy recovers at half the speed. (It prevents energy from being harnessed to earn wai without work) – 3. To access the rentals (put the land nft or rent them the default ones) you have to burn 1 mutated. (A little more value is given to mutates.) – 4. The sale of food in the shop has to be 500 not 50. – 5. Change daily missions to others with new and old mixed items, for example apple instead of 2 apples, 1 apple and 1 mango. – 6. That they put on a more complicated monthly mission that can only be accessed if you have a pet.
→ The idea is very impressive. The rental function is released at a basic level, we will make adjustments to bring the most effective next time.
we need a change in quest system, and a system of levels, if your land is lvl 9 or below you cand conly access to normal quest but if you are lvl 15 you can access to new quest, so landowners will be interesting in lvl up lands, renters will demand lands of hight levels in order to acess to bettter o complete quest.
→ Yes, we will come up with new quests for this in the next time
I think the economy will depend a lot on the attractiveness of the game, which we are looking to improve, also we have a plan to adjust the economy, everything will be clear soon when we have all the tools to make adjustments
CPO | Sang Nguyen
If you are thinking of introducing ads inside the game you could add an option where you can see 5 ads/per day and each add gives you 10 energy
→ Noted thanks to your suggestion.
It would be interesting if those who do not have land in the missions were given credit to buy in the wanatrade in wai instead of directly in wai so that there is more volume of transactions in the wanatrade and they are obliged to buy merchandise because if they are self-sufficient the wanatrade can disappear
→ Noted thanks for your suggestion.
Hello team, the update is very nice and everything, but I have 2 questions: 1. Why do you still keep the withdrawals closed if, according to the update, and we have already had 1 week without withdrawals, are you afraid of a crash of the project? 2. Do you have an economist or are you planning to change staff? Because although the game is very attractive, it is undeniable that the economic system does not create any confidence. When do you plan to implement marketing? You will wait for everyone to sell their lands to act@Marketing | Leo Ngo @CTO | Thuan Nguyen @Dev | Binh Nguyen @CPO | Sang Nguyen
Kyon Lius
→ Marketing | Leo Ngo: Withdrawal is working
what kind of AMA is this ?! we are here to give us clear answers and make the community feel optimistic . it’s better that you don’t do this AMA at all or better close the game and take your time gathering those tools you are talking about
→ Marketing | Leo Ngo: It’s a chat with team, not criticism forum. We’re open for suggestions and recommendations
Seasson pass that unlocks some rewards, items and skins to decorate your farm, It is unlocked paying wai or wana
→ Noted thanks to your idea
We need a change in quest system, wanatrade died after the rentals, we need a lvl system, the more lvl your land, you have access to all quest or even more, so this way landlords reinvest in upgrade lands because all rentals will want the full quest list.
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen thanks – It’s a good idea, especially since we’re rebuilding the quest system
Hello team, great job, I would like to propose a suggestion, some event with probability that makes the planted slots unusable. with an item that makes them healthy again, such as nutrients or medicine. but that the item is single-use and sold in the wanashop and cannot be produced by users or sold, an item used as a burning method only and to keep the economy healthy.@CPO | Sang Nguyen @CTO | Thuan Nguyen @CEO | Truong Tran
→ Noted, thanks to your good idea.
How about Monthly Quest? Monthly Quest that really reward those of us who play and spend money and time in the game, that are not easy to achieve, really cost time and dedication, but that are really rewarding to obtain, this point is a part of making attractiveness game
→ We have no plan for this
please get more youtubers to play the game, contests, there’s a lot of free marketing ways, give this job to someone again
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen yes, will have many contents for them soon
Making art better don´t make the game better. You don´t have anything to attract people at the moment, so the game is not going to go up any sooner, specially considering devs are not listening to people. You have been making things the wrong way, hire a financial advisor, make marketing, and apply stuff that really impacts the economy of the game. Art wont be something attractive, because people are here just because of money unfortunately. So please wake up and do something, you make us loose money and try to do things without any luck. I´m here from the begenning and won´t go out, but consider everything, and do what you have being doing but apply economy changes, then, the game is going to be what was always meant to be; a big blockchain farm that will break internet
→ Marketing | Leo Ngo: So your solution is to add more liquidity to the pool to let you drain from it? How that gonna help the game in general?
→ waspblomkvist: Are you reading what i said? Dude, if that is your attitude, attacking me from being a drainer, shame on you. I have not taken any wana or wai from the game because i want to keep playing, but at least want to earn something also. But if you are going to attack me like that, well i don´t see what i can expect. But i won´t get out, just waiting here for a big impact. I want the game to go better, and i, as an investor, can demand that. Economy is another important part of Blockchain, art is lovely and i really like that from all the games this one is one of the only ones that are actually a game that you play. But i hope thigs get better on the future and long run. And sorry, but you must accept critic comments, because those are also part of building, then you know what is wrong and how to make things better. Is part of building
→ MrTamagotchi: Chill down bro. Nobody is attacking you. He is asking you two questions so that you can think or expand on your comment. You have a good opportunity to express your opinion directly to one of developers. Take advantage of opportunity, you have their attention.
→ Marketing | Leo Ngo: I believe that you let dev work on it, things will get better. A game need to be a game first.
I’m so sorry that it seems everyone is busy with a lot of work and even we are tired, Everyone asks us a lot about how to change the economy, but it’s clearly not something that happens overnight.
To adjust, there should be more tools in the game, the game must be more attractive, attract more audiences, instead of just targeting audiences who only play games for money (I think you understand)
Even if we can’t answer all of your questions, that doesn’t mean we stop at, we’re still trying, little by little.
If you want to ask us about a big change, then I think that’s what we’re going to do next (Multiplay, more fun, more connections) and we’re hoping it happens soon.
CPO | Sang Nguyen
→ CLUB | DarthAlak: I’m agree!! the targeting audiences like gamers and not only play for earn money!
→ Leyton: Keep on working team,we are here because we trust you
→ MrTamagotchi: Thank you very much for opening a space of your vacations to answer our questions. I want to make it clear that the dissatisfied, rude and aggressive attitude of some players does not represent the opinion of entire community. I continue to believe that Wanaka has all the values to be the next Axie. I continue to trust you and my investment is still here.
→ Marketing | Leo Ngo: Thank you for all the support.
→ Trader101 | ALMA: This the best response…. To adjust, there should be more tools in the game, the game must be more attractive, attract more audiences, instead of just targeting audiences who only play games for money . love it.. keep it up..
→ ruinnx continuos doing great!, lets work together
Could you please let us know an estimation of the update with the quest with new items? this week, next, week, in two weeks?
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen : New quests will be release this month (ASAP)
→ T.P.A | Ozaru With this news I’m going to sleep happy… thank you very much team!
Please work on multi accounts banned by IP to protect the project…
→ CPO | Sang Nguyen: We will protect the project
when DAO system available?
→ Many people don’t understand clearly about DAO so we must have rules as well as instructions for them to create proposals before going into official.
please increase the inventory to 1000 limit its very annoying for the ones that have multiple lands
→ We will consider adjusting if it is suitable
@CPO | Sang Nguyen @Dev | Binh Nguyen How about Monthly Quest? Monthly Quest that really reward those of us who play and spend money and time in the game, that are not easy to achieve, really cost time and dedication, but that are really rewarding to obtain, this point is a part of making attractiveness game
→ We have no plan for this
Hi , you could make quest that open up anothers quests , more complex , quests like World of Warcraft , you complete a series of quest and at the end you get a good reward. Than you
→ Thank but we are focusing on more important things like economic, rental system, multiplayer in the near future
A suggestion, increase inventory and energy of accounts with more than one land, for example, 50 percent more if two land, 100 per cent more if three and 150 percent more if four lands. These percentages only for reference, you should study it.
→ We will consider adjusting if it is suitable
I think we pretty much done for today. Dev will try to write answers later.
It’s holiday in vietnam, most dev are busy with family and stuff. We managed the time to be here tonight. If there anything you might want to suggest, you can DM us.
Thank you and have a good weekend
Marketing | Leo Ngo
For the rest unanswered and flooded questions, please visit: https://discord.com/channels/869509196935200768/920671801393152010
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