🥳 July came so fast, nice to see you again. Let’s start “chat with team” now.
Today’s chat will last 60 minutes.
Admin Kim Chi
Hello guys
Long time no see
Dev | Tien Luong
Hello Farmers ~
We have you have good experience with the new Quests
Content lead | Farmer
Hi verybody, yes the new Quest are really nice.
Will there be any new changes?
→Dev | Tien Luong: Hello, we are planing, we will announce later.
I have a problem with organic waste.
I have 3 pets and the amount I spend on producing pepower is greater than the amount they produce organic waste. Is there any idea in the future to change the way it is produced?
→Dev | Tien Luong: Thank you for report it, we will take a look that problem.
→Stormery: This has been reported by myself at the start of this year, and mentioned at almost every AMA.
As well as asking for Polish community chat multiple times, but never got it
→Repticesor: Sometimes the priorities are others, we have to be patient.
→Stormery: This is 3 clicks on discord by admin, but Discord as overall is neglected and getting spammed by bots
→Repticesor: Im sorry i missclick my answer…
About the Discord, id be nice a little more attention to be paid to it
Can we still expect major update at the end of the year as you promised with backend update for multiplayer / forest land.
→Content lead | Farmer: Sure thing.
Whats your plan to get back old players or get new players. Currently new fresh blockchain farming simulation projects are coming, so how you want prevent Wanaka from still loosing players.
Other question is – soon WANA fee for creating a pet from incubator will be way higher than cost of pet itself. Keeping fee static to $ is bad move cause WANA coin is only droping
→Dev | Tien Luong: If the game is nice, old or new players will all come. so our work is concentrating on improve the game.
Things related to cost-profit and is an important aspect of the game, it would be highly focused later then.
Content lead | Farmer
Right now, we will try to bring a nicer farm game to ya’ all.
See you on 02-August.
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From 27 Mar 2022, Listen to AMA content on our me.