Hello. Have a nice evening everyone, now let’s start the conversation.
Admin | Kim Chi
Hello guys, long time no see
Content lead | Farmer
hi 🙂
Fran Palomo
I hope you all did see the new artworks in sneak-peek room
Content lead | Farmer
→ Admin | Kim Chi: Yes, i love it
→ Fryvan96: By the way i was not expecting the isometric view, it looks good
Hello everyone, after so much time, we will all have questions but I think one of the most important questions is knowing which assets are preserved in the new game and which will be left behind.
Fran Palomo
→ Content lead | Farmer: $wai, $wana, lands/pets will be same, but we may change the configures. Other seeds/growing items would be changed. incubator would be kept, too.
→ Fran Palomo: So, for example, will the apple trees we have be lost or is there some kind of change?
→ Content lead | Farmer: There’s no such kind of ‘loss’, we will do the convert your items into the new ones with similar value.
Hello everyone
CTO | Thuan Nguyen
Hello! Will the game change completely? What we have now in inventory will remain? Do you plan to list the currency on an excenge? thanks
Hello everybody🤝
CEO | Truong Tran
How long will the game be closed?
→ Content lead | Farmer: The game will be closed for us to migrate the data until new game can be opened beta, we are not sure how long, but I guess around 2 months
It would be good if the seeds could be sold only in wanashop ! so you can’t buy them in wanatrade..
Hi team, is the rental system gonna be preserved along with the actual contracts, or removed completely?
ok, perfect, then the question is what changes the way of interacting with the items
Fran Palomo
→ Content lead | Farmer: it would be much more simple to plan, grow your items, and the game will looks similar to farm ville, frankly speaking
Those of us who are still here have been here for years, so I don’t think it’s a problem for anyone for months. Even a break can be good for us 🙂
Fran Palomo
→ lolopopz: Based on the past experience, the 2 months is not always true, so less expectation is 1 year or more 😂
→ Content lead | Farmer: Don’t be that upset, bro 🙂
On behalf of many, I want to thank you for always really fighting so that the project could continue, despite the problems. It is true that it took a lot of effort on our part to keep faith for years, but finally there you are showing that you have never given up, thank you very much.
Fran Palomo
→ Content lead | Farmer: Thanks Fran 🙂
→ CEO | Truong Tran: Thankyou, We have been trying to create new things in the game
If they keep the leases it would be good to set the game the price so they can’t rent below a set game price! it’s a disaster now.
We support you to become the most beautiful game Wanaka🤗🤗
I think it would be interesting if the time it takes for the game to return there was not so much silence on the part of the development and we were kept more informed, a couple of photos or videos a week and I think we would all be happy.
Fran Palomo
→ Content lead | Farmer: I will leak more in the Discord, however not a big show off until the game is much more ready.
Good work and look forward to enjoying new things in the game!! a bit of adrenaline ..
I don’t know if this can be answered yet, but will four lands still be the maximum per account?
→ Content lead | Farmer: Yes right
Let us know when you close it to get my incubators and Talpa Roly etc in inventory!!! Thank you for taking time out of your day to give us the news.
→ CEO | Truong Tran: Yes, of course
Hello everyone, I hope you are well. I would like to know if you have already assimilated something of how tokenomics will be, and if you have seen or analyzed how Pixels are running their system and economy that so far is being a success.
→ Content lead | Farmer: I think you are mentioning about game economy. This time we will not let it be easy to make harvesting items being inflated so easy.
→ calvidox: Yes, I am referring to the economy. If they plan to do a restructuring of it, they know the pixels game? On the Ronin network. If you do not know it you should see it, it gives courage because it is based practically on the same as Wanaka, in very little they have advanced and they are being a success. They have an internal non-tradeable currency called Coin and the pixel that is only obtained by doing missions. Anyway it is very long to explain, you can see it and analyze it, take ideas.
→ Content lead | Farmer: Yeah I know that game, but we will see it deep down as your recommendation.
We are working on details to keep you guys in most convenience. Maybe don’t need to withdraws the NFT back to your wallets, we will move/convert directly in your Game account.
Content lead | Farmer
All ahead Switzerland supports wanakaaaaa!!! Have a nice day
How about the gameplay, planting, growing, harvesting? It will be simpler like Hay Day or Pixels, or same as now?
→ Content lead | Farmer: If you take a closer look of the game UI, you will see growing action will be much simpler like I insist Farm Ville above.
I have a question , you said we have been trying to create a new game, but, at present, who is developer of wanaka
Could you tell some thing about new dev of wanaka team
Dev code & art designer
→ Content lead | Farmer: we hire a whole new team to devthis project.
Look at your closest competition, which is pixels, and it will give you ideas about what people like.
→ CEO | Truong Tran: Thanks for your advice
Do you have any preview images of the new game?
→ Content lead | Farmer: I have sent it in the sneak peek room, that’s all I can give now
→ jorgelopez: Thanks, I just saw it. I like the new style. Will the mechanics also be similar to Farm Ville?
→ Content lead | Farmer: Mechanics are not like other game, we only take the grpahic style from that game.
→ jorgelopez: I think it’s good we must have something that differentiates us from the rest
Hello team! Do you plan in some point to publish a Green or White Paper explaining the new features of the game. I assume it has several different mechanics to justify creating a completely new game.
→ Content lead | Farmer: We will publish the mechanics when it is ready.
I think Pixel may be good for game economy, however for wanaka farm, we want to attract more users from traditional mobile game players/app stores.
Content lead | Farmer
→ jorgelopez: And what marketing plans do they have to do so and how will they overcome the barrier from traditional to blockchain?
→ Content lead | Farmer: If you care about traditional market, for Grab Singapore for example, they already allow crypto payment, and the future of every people have a crypto-wallet app in their phones is not far. What we try to do is make it seamless link between Game app and wallet app without PC-involve actions.
→ Content lead | Farmer: And marketing plan is about end of this year, of course after we successfully launch it.
nice to talk to you guys. see you at the next chat session.
→ jorgelopez: So will its focus be only for cell phones or will we have a version for a browser or PC?
→ Content lead | Farmer: I admit it is quite hard to concrete everything now. Anyway we will make more clear guidances in the coming time
When will the game be closed?
→ Content lead | Farmer:
it’s not yet determined, around end of April, we will notice it in advance
hi, are you guys showing in sneak speak with farmville 3 images?
→ Content lead | Farmer: Some background is not our game, but The UI, HUD will be like that.
→ Matguad: ah, thank you for the clarification👍
We will close the chat session in 5 minutes.
Content lead | Farmer
I love the re-direction of the graphic and the game. Ty🚀
There is no specific time for the next AMA, we will announce it later. Thank you all for your enthusiastic interaction today.
See you again.
Admin | Kim Chi
→ Matguad: 👍
→ JulianR7: 👏👏👏👏
Before you finish the session, I would like to ask you to please be more active, show progress constantly, do not fall asleep.
→ Content lead | Farmer: Sure thing Calvidox 🙂
→ Admin | Kim Chi: Yes, we will update on sneak-peek, pls wait
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