Hi guys! This week ama will last 60 minutes as for us all to enjoy with family after many World cup matches. Please note and prepare your questions in advance!
Content lead | Farmer
Hello guys!
Please share your opinion about latest version 1.1.7!
Dev | Tien Luong
Hi guys!
CTO | Thuan Nguyen
Hello everyone! We have opened chat-with-team. Get started with your interests now! 🤗
Mod | Quynh Nguyen
Good morning DEVs!! Good Sunday!!
About the version 1.1.7 I liked because now the mutated have more utility and more value to the lands with more rarity. Maybe during some weeks, we need to test that version to check if it is necessary to change something. How is the progress of the Wanatown? In percentage approx.
Hi guys.
Wats up 1.1.7?
Art lead | 3K
Greetings dear team and community. I hope you have a happy Sunday.
Wanaka’s nerf and buff system is in the recipes and drop %… what points do you take to consider balancing these parameters?
Thanks! 💖
Ice Cabbage
→ Dev | Tien Luong: We want to make immortal pets more valuable. But anyone can have a normal pet with a low price.
Head of Development | Duc Hoang
Good morning, we appreciate the last update. There are good things, like the use of potions 2, and on the other hand, the price of petamin, pelick is high. Now taking care of the pet is high.
→ Dev | Tien Luong: Yeah, I will take notice. I will follow the community then adjust them.
→ Luks007: But don’t take too long, it is really affecting us. Personally, I stopped playing because of that. I don’t know about programming, but I guess it shouldn’t be hard to fix it.
→ Dev | Tien Luong: Yeah, you are right.
The 1.1.7 update is an excellent one regarding UX and functionalities. The introduction of a long-awaited unit price makes life a lot easier for the sellers. No more calculation and no more confusion (total price vs unit price). There are a lot of other changes in this update that need time to gauge the impact. But overall, I think it’s a great step forward. Thanks for your commitment and hard work!
→ Dev | Tien Luong: Thank you so much!
→ Art lead | 3K: Thank a lot!
→ WanakaFarmer: Very well done @3K the dearest artist. You are one of the reasons we believe in this project! Thanks so much!
→ Art lead | 3K: I try to my best and all staff in project working great as well.
→ WanakaFarmer: Yeah, we know there are a lot of people behind the scenes who are working hard too. But it looks like you and @Dev | Tien Luong is the face of the project :). So, when we are saying thank you, we mean kudos to all of you.
Greetings. Don’t you think the pet approach is wrong by itself? Pets are bots that do the job that the player would have to do. From my point of view, it doesn’t make sense, it would be like putting on a FIFA game and having the (AI) play
→ Dev | Tien Luong: You mean if we have a pet, we have no need to login and no need to do anything. everything is done by pet, from growing, harvesting, claim quest?
→ WanakaFarmer: I think using pets is part of the game. People do have options to do things manually if they think otherwise. Possibly raising pets and maintaining them become a bit harder in this update. But as long as people have pets with higher rarity and levels, they should be fine.
→ Parapetoccs: Yes. Pets make no one play, just log in, process materials, do the daily and weekly missions and that’s it.
→ WanakaFarmer: Things go deeper than what you said, bro. People need to invest in a good pet first before they can enjoy the conveniences that their pets bring.
→ Parapetoccs: Since the mascots came out, I only see that the WANA and WAI have only gone down. Investing in pets is the same as buying a third-party bot to do the job.
→ DarthAlak: All cryptos going down since 25 Nov. 2021
→ Luks007: What is your point? To stop making pets? Most of the game is done in the Wanatrade. The pets are just like assistants, supporters.
You are welcome to do it all manually if you want. Pets are an option
→ WanakaFarmer: Pets are not free, bro. In fact, people need to buy a lot of things in Wanatrade to keep their pets working. So, Pets are an essential part of the ecosystem.
→ Parapetoccs: Of course you can do it manually. What is wrong is that there is the option of the macostas. Obviously I could be completely wrong. But games are for playing, not for an (AI) to play
Could you tell us why is the reason that the renting system is going through a maintenance.
→ Dev | Tien Luong: Because cloners are using this system to drain the wai, we need to close then make some changes to prevent that from happening in the future.
→ Luks007: That’s a good idea, but why didn’t any Dev say that before. And again, lack of communication. People have been asking about that, and all answers were “Devs are checking on that”.
→ Dev | Tien Luong: Because some info is sensitive, we need keep secret until version is release successfully, pls pardon for us.
Hello. First of all, I congratulate you for the work done. I want to ask you when you will get new items? new missions? The game is a little lacking in adrenaline. Thanks, a good day!
→ Dev | Tien Luong: Yeah, in the near future, we need to fix somethings in game, then we will make new things for players, pls patient.
Hello to all my dear farmers. Team members.
I am so happy after 1.1.7. Now everything is good. The steps you have taken are good for our project in the long run. The only problem I am facing like other farmers is that the donut price is now high and it’s getting hard to manage them. There is a suggestion to reduce the potion from 2 to 1 in 30% donut. And 3 to 2 potions for 50%.
→ Dev | Tien Luong: yeah, thank you for opinion, I will follow in some days, then adjust it.
→ Fawad: Thank you!
Making mascots is very complicated. I combined two uncommon with 2 com and got uncommon. It should be simplified because that doesn’t motivate anyone to buy Wana and mutate and not get the desired mascot. It’s just an idea.
→ Fawad: Bro after this update go for 100% chance for rarity change. It’s risk free.
Again, thank you so much for your great efforts…💖 You guys are doing such a nice job in this crypto market. We are always with you. 💖
You’ll never walk alone; we are with you.
@Art lead | 3K @Dev | Tien Luong @Content lead | Farmer
Guys, our token vesting will finish very soon. 🙂
Just a friendly reminder.
Content lead | Farmer
→ Luks007: Wana can’t drop beyond 0.001. That’s the price that it was bought from Vesting, right?
→ Parapetoccs: WANA can go where people want it to go.
→ DarthAlak: WANA can drop below 0.001 perfectly.
→ Luks007: What I meant is that below 0.001, it would be a loss for the investors, so either they sell at this price or hold.
→ DarthAlak: Yes, it’s a loss but you need to know if investors want the liquidity or hold that. If they need liquidity, they sell and lost part of the money it’s totally normal.
Pets are not the problem, Pets it’s an investment to burn tokens and in reward you get a pet that helps you. It’s a good deal!
WANA and WAI have gone down since the day the game came out. When it came out it was in full super bullish movement, so your argument is wrong. I’ve been here since day one supporting the project. I only give my opinion about pets and the rest is real data.
→ DarthAlak: Dude, in NOV 2021 explore a bubble of the crypto games ALL games go downs check first all the dates and all the bigs games and it’s the same.
Hey Wakana team. Currently the pets are used for gardening and help save energy. When will the team consider adding pvp functionality? Will we eventually be able to fight each other using our pets? I really look forward to this feature and hope that you guys over at Wanaka are taking this idea into consideration.
@Dev | Tien Luong @Content lead | Farmer DEV’s what news is about the Wanatown?
→ Dev | Tien Luong: Wanatown is pending now, we are concentrating on balancing the game, make fair for real players.
→ DarthAlak: Good!! 👌
@Dev | Tien Luong @Art lead | 3K Can you give us some hints about a possible update before the Christmas and New Year event? It would be fun to have some nice graphics and music for the holiday!!
→ Art lead | 3K: About Winter theme, team art working on it, hope will release this theme in Xmas. About the event. I can’t say anything at the moment.

→ WanakaFarmer: Sounds good. Thank you! We’ll look forward to having some Christmas atmosphere with Wanaka Farm.
I love hints 🤩
→ WanakaFarmer: We do!! Some fun things for the holiday will be good.
So, you closed the rental system to avoid cloned accounts… Well, isn’t multiaccount a problem that players told you when the game was released? You have been telling us that multi accounts were not a problem when it obviously was. Now you close the rental system affecting all of us on how to rent a land to produce items, you are smashing your real players and you are treating us like if we were also abusing the game, thank you!
→ WanakaFarmer: Calm down, bro. Let’s enjoy the update and spend time discovering new features. The rental system will be back on for you soon. We know you are really a hard-working farmer.
→ Leyton: Dude I’m not going to play if the contract expires cause playing with a Common land isn’t worthy. I had a good contract with a good price for me and also bought a pet to optimize the production, but they decided to treat us like cloned accounts, not fair at all.
→ Dev | Tien Luong: So you are angry because of your contract, right?
→ Leyton: I’m frustrated because you are treating REAL players like cloned accounts, isn’t It better to ban by IP or something similar?
→ MisterLemur: The multi account has always been a problem, but not an easy one to be solved. Many games went bankrupt because of them but finding the solution for each game is a challenge. Plus, if they have decided to close them now, it is probably because they have detected some kind of unusual activity. You, Real player, should know that when those things happen, it is better to stop it asap to stop the liquidity to go 0. and then you, the real player, have the chance to earn from your withdrawal rather than not earning anything because the rental system is open.
→ MisterLemur: If their liquidity drops too, not even you with your legendary contract and an immortal pet would get anything from the game, don´t you get it?
→ MisterLemur: Banning Ips have never worked to stop multiaccount man, you can have as many ip as you want -.-”
→ Leyton: I’ve only said an example, “something similar”.
→ Dev | Tien Luong: I am working to open a rental system again. pls patient
→ Dev | Tien Luong: Thank you, all guys. I will make game better in version 1.1.8.
→ Wanaka Farmer: So, you had a good deal and now you are afraid of losing it. Whenever one door closes, another one will open. I wish you best of luck. Stay calm and farm!!!
1 min left come on guys.
Time to say bye byee…👨🌾👩🌾
Thank you, a lot.
We are closing in 2 minutes.
If you have more questions, put in general chat and tag me & @Dev | Tien Luong
Content lead | Farmer
Well, thank you for your time and keep developing guys. Take care.
Guys, are you thinking of applying for the funds Binance has for projects?
Guys I’m not angry about my contract, I’m frustrated cause devs are treating a lot of us like if we were cloned accounts, that’s all.
→ Chang27197: 🤞
We are working on it 1.1.8, hope release soon.
Thank guys spend time today!
Art lead | 3K
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