Dear Beloved WANAKA Farmers,
In Pacth Notes v.1.0.12, We are happy to announce you all a hotfix update, mainly about fixing the previous version’s bugs and upgrading the version for Launcher, make good room for the Big update that could happen at the end of March.
Details of the update, please read below!
⭐ Update Details
✍️ Launcher v.2.0.0 (Windows)
During the development of the project, we noticed that the Launcher did not work smoothly as expected, causing players a lot of trouble every time the game was updated. In this update we have upgraded the Launcher, fixed the bugs that caused players to stand for a long time when updating the game..

Launcher will now automatically update itself and the game. But to do that, please first download Launcher v.2.0.0 here. (After the maintenance is completed)

✍️ Farm Care Pet System (Updated)
In the Patch Notes v.1.0.9, we haven’t explained clearly the feature “Saving” (1) which belong to the Farm Care Pet and the meaning of Icon Log (2).

(1) Players can now understand how the “Saving” feature works as follows:
- The player’s Farm Care Pet must own 1 of 3 stats: Saving Feeding – Saving Watering – Saving Energy
- Claim button: You can only Claim 1 time per week, get return the summaries of the previous weeks (the milestone is every Monday 0:00 UTC). Saving Items will be accumulated if not Claimed.
- For Example: Let say on Wed 16th Mar, when the player Claims, the items will be summed up from the unclaimed previous days to the end of last Sunday, in UTC time (23:59:59 UTC 13th Mar). When the Claiming is completed, the player must wait until the next week (after 0:00 UTC Monday) to be able to claim this week’s Saving Items.
The condition to own the Saving index, players can look up the Farm Care Pet’s index table

(2) Meaning of Icon “Log”:
- It is the counter for Item consumed in the current week (Monday 0:00 UTC to Sunday 23:59:59 UTC) (Watering, Feeding, Energy) by the Pet. The counter will reset every week.
✍️ Fixed Bug & Improvements
- Sound: Fixed the player not being able to customize the volume.
- Farm Care Pet: Fixed for not automatically updating Farm Care Pet stats , when pet being placed active on the land, after using healing items (Pelick)
- WanaTrade: Add the same Filter as in Inventory
- Pet Combine: Improve the UX, Removes right-click action, making it easier for players to drag & drop when doing Combine Pet.
- Server:
- Fixed bugs related to Pet Farm Care Pet action, Claim Saving Items.
- Improved performance of APIs.
- Art:
- Turn off shadow effect on mobile version (Reduce lagging for low-profile mobile devices). We will soon launch a feature to customize graphics based on the configuration of each device, then players can customize the graphics quality up to their satisfaction.
- Fixed cases, when NFT Items got stuck in the main house. To prepare for the next update(s), we had to temporarily remove the bridge to make room for the workers who were constructing the station. We will consider re-displaying the bridge once the station construction is complete. In addition, players must move NFT items around the construction area to another place. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Thank you to the genuine WANAKA Farm farmers who have always been with us.
Review the previous Change Logs:
Watch more basic Pet video tutorials through previous updates
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